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Melissa Portan LMSW, MEd

Writer & Sexologist

Melissa is a 5th generation spiritual guide who specializes in helping others find their own spiritual path. She is also a sex and relationship therapist practicing in NYC.


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How to Communicate with Your Twin Soul


“Old Pay Phone” by Alex

Twin soul, twin flames, twin rays, come together in different ways. Some twins meet physically and have what we can call a normal relationship. Other twins come to know of each other through dreams, visions, or just don’t move into a physical relationship just yet. And lastly, there are the twins that are separated by worlds, literally. There are instances where one twin is in the spiritual plane and the other is here with the rest of us. This happens when one of the twins ascends before the other. Regardless of a twin’s situation, twins always manage to communicate somehow. For every different scenario, the method of communication is the same; love.

Twin souls are the same soul and they are united by an eternal love. They are each other’s essence. It is through love that the twins can communicate. It may sound cheesy. It may sound like a cliché, but love has no bounds. The love that twin souls feel for each other is the highest love there is although it may not always fully manifest. This type of love holds all of the loves. Communication between the twins happens naturally and it grows gradually.

Dreams. For those beginning their twin soul paths, dreams of the other twin are common. Maybe you see him or her walking ahead in a crowd. Maybe you have conversations. The subconscious is the first to recognize our desires and love brings with it very strong desires. Those desires manifest in dreams and although most of the dream matter, by matter I mean what happens in the dream, is unrelated or foggy to the memory, the communications with the other twin have an unshakable realness to them. So, how do I communicate with my twin through dreams more? Remember that this is a natural part of the relationship, being able to communicate with someone who is not in the same room and without words is natural (unlike other types of relationships). As the intensity of your love for this person grows and his or her love for you grows, communication will grow. This means that dreams of one another will become more frequent. As your conscious mind is more and more occupied with thoughts, fantasizing, and processing feelings for this other person, your subconscious will begin to open up. Once your subconscious, once you fully embrace your love, you’ll be able to reach deeper and find that love connection. It is like Journey to the Center of the Earth. You are drilling deeper and deeper, walking through caves that are dark and hidden beneath the bustling everyday-activities, until you suddenly hit a soft spot on the ground. Once there, you will hesitate. Your heart will beat faster. you’ll tell yourself you’ve gone insane. You’ll want to go back up into the light, into what is familiar. You’ll want to leave things as they are and remain in your comfort zone. But that unignorable thing won’t let you. That pulling you feel will make you jump down into the unknown. And then suddenly you’ll see that you’re falling from a bright blue sky. Suddenly you’ll see a whole new world.

But if you want clearer dreams, or say you have something specific you want to say to your twin, what do you do? The simplest and easiest thing you can do is will it. Every time you go to bed, wish to communicate with your twin. Wish to have dreams of this other person. If your partner feels the same, then you will meet through dreams. Something amazing has to happen for you both to see each other and that is you both have to be in the same sleep cycle. Sleep comes in cycles and the one that allows for dream activity is called REM. But don’t worry about it. I’m just pointing out the fact that once you establish a connection you begin to move in sync through the world.

It often happens that we are not in control of ourselves in our dreams. Through meditation, we can gain control of our dreams. Meditate for ten to fifteen minutes before letting yourself go to sleep. You can either focus your meditation on your twin or you can work on silencing that inner chatter. So long as you meditate, your abilities will grow. To enhance your meditation, add a clear quartz crystal. Program the crystal to bring you mental clarity and to allow you to communicate with your twin.

After communicating through dreams the next level is telepathy. Telepathy is hard to describe. You might be called insane if you describe your experiences to someone. But some say that humans used to communicate through telepathy in the time before language like animals still do. You know that voice you hear inside your head? You know that voice, your own voice? The voice of your conscious? Silence it. Learn to silence it so that the voice of his or her conscious can be heard. Telepathy is more about listening then speaking, at least, in the beginning. For those that have met in the physical and have had a reunion, the telepathic voice will be his or her real voice. Again, each situation is different and this type of telepathy is called aural telepathy. For those who have not yet physically met, the telepathy voice will sound different. Sure, you’ll recognize your own voice but it will feel different, it will sound different.

How to initiate telepathic communication? It will happen naturally. Again, desire and will are what bridge the connection. That intense need to speak to this person, to connect with her or him is what will bring this about. This is why the twin soul relationship is different from all other types of relationships, because telepathy happens only with the belief in the spiritual and through practicing that belief. Meditation is the most effective tool to achieve this type of communication.

Sex. Lastly, there is sex. The twins have a deep, primordial desire to be united. This desire manifests through intense sexual desire, through the intense need to be one. Here is where sex magick or Tantra come into play. Regardless of whether the twins are physically together, the twins exchange energy. At the point of orgasm, focus on your message to the other person. Keep it simple, not whole paragraph. It is more effective if you focus on the love you feel for that person and send it to them, than if you try to have a whole conversation. (Read more here. For a guided exercise click here.)

Twins can say a lot to each other in just moments. As the connection grows communication will get better and easier, to the point that you can have full conversations. Unfortunately, and I have to tell you this, there are laws that we all have to abide by. These laws of the spirit world are mysterious and place a limit to how much you can communicate. Either way, twins will insist. Twins are kind of the rebels of the spirit world. They won’t be stopped.



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