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Melissa Portan LMSW, MEd

Writer & Sexologist

Melissa is a 5th generation spiritual guide who specializes in helping others find their own spiritual path. She is also a sex and relationship therapist practicing in NYC.


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Twin Souls: The Narrow Telescope

Twins souls, twin rays, twin flames, whatever you want to call them, dance through the universe, pirouetting around each other. Because of who they are to each other, they focus on each other. Essentially, one becomes the sun of the other. Or one becomes the moon of the other. There is a hint, if not blatant, of worship for the other. This love is deeper than what words can describe and when I say worship it is not in the sense that one bows down to the other; rather that both are in awe of each other and have the utmost respect for each other. It’s almost like you are afraid to touch him or her because everything is as it should be and you don’t want to change that.

There is plenty of confusion out there concerning twin souls. Many confuse twins with soul mates. Many disregard the idea. And then there is the near twin. And there is love in all these different types of relationships, making the thing even more confusing. But what happens to twin souls once they discover each other is that they begin to see the world through a very narrow telescope. This can happen to soul mates. This can happen to anyone. Again, what distinguishes the twin souls is the spiritual aspect of it.

Once the twins discover each other, however that may be (spiritual or physical), they become each other’s focus. Whatever spiritual practice each had starts to be focused on the twin, whether it is about reuniting with the twin, or discovering more about this thing. In a word, obsession. The twins become obsessed with each other. Again, obsession happens to everyone, but it is the kind of obsession and how one obsesses that is different for the twins. The distinctions between these love souls (twins, near twins, soul mates) are sometimes very fine. Because love is so massive, because it is an element of the soul, there is overlap in each category. The universe is fluid, not clear-cut and concrete.

Suddenly, the twins’ main concern is to reunite. They become focused on finding each other or on being together. Friendships are lost or sacrificed in order to allow them to be together. The twin comes first, the twin comes before anything else, nothing matters as much as the twin. This is when each twin starts to lose themselves in the other. Each twin loses sight of what is important. This phase can be classified as unhealthy, but it is inevitable. Although being hyper-focused on another person, it is a part of the twin soul relationship and the benefits outweigh the negative. This is what distinguishes the twin soul relationship from any other, meaning that soul mates that obsess over each other end up losing so much more. The twins will gain much wisdom and spiritual knowledge through this process of integration with the other.

This tends to happen at the beginning of the relationship. Everything is fresh, new, and they are both discovering themselves and each other. But this phase or cycle can stretch out further into the relationship and it happens in waves that vary in intensity. For example, at the beginning the  twins will want nothing but to be together all of the time. Later on, one of the twins will want to separate, to have some personal space. So here the focus will be inverted, yet the focus will remain of the twin soul. This means that things will be upside down, things will be reversed. Some refer to this as a separation cycle and term the twins the runner and the chaser. But each twin will take turns being the runner or chaser.

There, it seems, is very little the twins can do to control these cycles. The twins go through these cycles because they are lessons and these lessons are dictated by the universe.



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